Participation Monitor

Kincentric’s Participation Monitor allows you to view your organization’s response rate progress during survey administration.

The Monitor is set up by Kincentric at the launch of the survey and may only be available to the people in your organization who are responsible for administering the survey. It allows you to monitor the participation rates of the survey broken out by a defined criteria. 

Accessing the Participation Monitor

In most cases you will see two options in the Score chart.

  1. Log into the application using the URL provided by your Kincentric partner
  2. Click the Menu icon to expand the selection
  3. Click: Monitor

If your monitor is available in other languages;

  1. Click the Globe Icon next to your name
  2. All of the languages available to you are displayed. Click the desired language to select it.

Monitor Dashboard Overview

The dashboard is where you will see all of the monitors available to you. Click on the green button with an arrow to view the participation details of a monitor. There are several features on this page that allow you to customize how the monitors display on the page.

Active Monitors Filter: The default selected is Active Monitors which means only surveys that are currently active will display on the page by default. Use the filter when you want to view monitors for historical surveys that have been archived. 

Sort By: When you have mulitiple monitors on the page, the 'Sort By' features will arrange them on the page according to the 'Sort By' option that you select. Use the drop down menu to select the desired sort order.  If you want to turn off the sort order, click the toggle next to the drop down menu and the monitors will be displayed in alphabetical order according to the survey name.

Monitor Details Page

Charts are Interactive, you can change the chart type and click within the chart to print, hide or show response options and hover to see the details.

The details page is where you will see the breakouts for your organization after you click the  button on the dashboard homepage to navigate to the monitor details. Features on this page include:

  1. Use the Menu icon to return to the dashboard
  2. Use the Export menu to download the results into Excel
  3. Use the Refresh icon to update the information on the page
  4. Use the Breakout menu to define the results you want displayed in the details section
  5. Click the Arrow icon next to the breakout to expand or collapse the view

'Breakout By' Selector

The Breakout By tool allows you to choose which breakouts and values to display on the page. 

  • For hierarchy you are able to select up to all organizational units that are loaded into the tool.
  • For a list, you are able to select up to a maximum of 500 values within a breakout demographic/segment. By default, the first 500 values will be displayed.

Export Data

The export functionality will export everything that is currently showing on the screen.

  1. Make all of your desired selections on the page using the 'Breakout By' tool
  2. Click the Export menu
  3. Click the Export button
  4. Click the Green Export button in the Quick Export window
  5. Click the either of the Download Manager buttons to open the Download Manager
  6. Click the Download icon next to the file name to download the Excel file. The file will download according to your browser settings.

Sample Exports