
  • The HR Professional responsible for the setup, administration and reporting of a 360 degree feedback program.

Event Admin
  • The 360 Administrator can define an Event Admin who has access to modify the details in an event and help administrate the survey. The Event Admin will not have access to do 360 settings such as Reporting, User Access, Client Admin, and Content Manager activities.

Report Admin
  • 360 Administrator has the ability to create Report Admins. Report Admins are assigned if your company policy is to have the participant reports reviewed and released by an individual such as the participants Manager or Coach. The report admin reviews the participant report and releases it to the participant for viewing.

  • Event refers to an instance of a group of Participants moving together through the phases of the 360 degree feedback process: enrollment, surveying, and reporting. Many of the setting, content and Reporting decisions in m360 are made at the event level.

  • A person who is being rated in an event.

  • In 360, people are those individuals who the system recognizes as participating in your companys 360 degree feedback process. People can be added through an Excel import of an HRIS data feed, manual entry, or entry by Participants electing raters. Once added, people can be searched for by other Participants and their records maintained by the Administrator.

  • A person providing feedback on a subject participating in the 360 degree feedback process. Raters should be familiar enough with the Participants behavior and work processes to accurately rate the subject.

Report Administrator
  • The HR Professional or coach responsible for reviewing a Participants 360 feedback report and releasing it to the Participants.

  • A person receiving feedback, generally referred to as the Participant. The subject usually completes a self-assessment in addition to receiving feedback from raters, who could include their manager, peers, direct reports, and/or customers.

Survey Finalization
  • Period of time between the survey finalization date (by when participants are encouraged to finish their assessments) and the actual surveying end date (after which assessments can no longer be submitted). Frequently, reminders are sent during the Survey Finalization phase to encourage higher participation.