Download Results

Data can be exported multiple ways on the site, no matter how or what you download the results will appear in the language you're viewing the site in.

  • Summary PDF Report: Download the results in a PDF format using the selections you've made on the screen.
  • Detailed Excel Report from Learn, Segment, Listen and Heatmap: Provides the data using multiple selection options and breaking the data into specific tabs in an Excel workbook.
  • PowerPoint Report (packaged export): Provides the data using multiple selection options then creates a PowerPoint presentation. The presentation can be edited after download.

All exports are available within the Download Manger which will appear when clicking the Download Menu on each page. Exports are available for 90 days after generation. Some of the options that appear as selections will vary depending on the page you're downloading from.

There are two ways to download:

  1. Quick Export Banner: This feature is presented at the top of each page and quickly allows you to select the type of download you need (PDF, PowerPoint or Excel) and send it to the Download Manager so you can save it to your computer. Using this feature will download the information using the filter selections you made on the page.
  2. Download Menu: The menu will allow you to do a quick export (same functionality as the Quick Export Banner) or create custom exports with choices for different filter criteria.

Before you begin...

  • Watch a quick video overview for a tutorial on filtering, comparing and downloading.

Quick Export Banner

The options in the Quick Export Banner dropdown will vary depending upon the page you are on in the reporting application.

  • PDF is available in the Dashboard, Learn, Segment and Listen pages.
  • PowerPoint is available in the Dashboard, Learn, Segment, Listen, Trend and Heatmap pages.
  • Excel is available in the Learn, Segment, Listen and Heatmap pages.

How to use the Quick Export Banner

  1. Select the Type of Export you want from the dropdown (PDF, PowerPoint or Excel depending on the page you are in)
  2. Click the Export button
  3. Click the Download Manager button(from the header of the page)
  4. Click the Download icon

Using the Download Menu

Regardless of the options, the download process will include these steps for each page:

  1. Click the Download button
  2. Click the Export button for the desired report format: PDF, XLS or PPT
  3. Select Quick Export or Custom 
    1. Select Quick Export to download using the selections you made on the page.
    2. Select Custom to make specific selections when prompted based on the information you want included in the download.
      • The prompts presented to you will depend on the page you are on and the type of export you select. Review the other sections in this page for details on each option.
  4. Provide a Name for the file if you would like it different than the default presented to you.
  5. Click Continue
  6. Click the Download Manager button in the Menu
  7. Click the Download button next to the desired file to begin the download.
    • Depending on what browser you use and the settings, the file will either open in a new tab or become available in your computer 'Downloads' folder.
  8. Click Close in the Download menu.

Download Resources

The download options vary depending on what page you are on and what format you want downloaded. Review the section below that applies to your download.

Summary PDF Report

Download a PDF of your results summary by clicking on the Export button next to the PDF icon.

This report view will export based on any configurations you have done in the modal prior to exporting the PDF. For example, if you select All Items and sort by percent favorable, this view will show in your export. The export includes:

  • Engagement Meter & Participation Rate
  • Key Indices Detail (if applicable)
  • Engagement Distribution
  • Focus Areas
  • Ranked Focus Items

In the Download Manger, the PDF file will be prefixed with PDFexport. Depending on what browser you use and the settings, when you click the download button the file will either open in a new tab or become available in your computer 'Downloads' folder.

Detailed Excel Report from Learn

You can download results into Excel from Learn or Segment. Start by clicking on the Export button next to the XLS icon in the download menu.

Report Options
  1. Quick Export will export the data based on the selection you've already made on the page. Simply click the Export button.
    • Scope: The current timeframe selection (current and trend year)
    • Group: The current organizational unit selection
    • Comparison The current comparison group selection(s)
    • Norms: The current norm comparison selection(s)
    • Score Type: The current chart type selection
  2. Custom Export is a 2-step process:
    1. Select the report content:
      1. Scope: Timeframe (current and trend year)
      2. Group: Organizational unit
      3. File Name: Custom name for the file defined by the user
    2. Select any filters to be applied:
      • You can select filters across multiple segments if needed
    3. Select the segment(s)/demographic(s) to be compared
      • There is a maximum of 50 values that can be selected
    4. Select the Key Metrics, Dimensions, Items:
      • Engagement Level
      • Engagement Score
      • Dimension or Item Scores
    5. Summary page:
      • Click on the edit icon (pencil) to make any changes
      • Click on the header tree to move back to previous pages
    6. Click the Export button to begin report generation

Report Contents
Tab 1: Information
  • This tab details the information that is included in the export

Tab 2: Participation Rates
  • Shows the number of responses, invited participants, and response rate for the selected timeframe, selected organizational unit, and any comparison groups
  • Response Rate cells show rounded numbers, however if user clicks on the cell, the formula bar shows the unrounded number
  • If the Participation Rates chart is not enabled for users on Learn, this tab will show the information for just the selected organizational unit

Tab 3: Engagement
  • Shows the Engagement score for the time period selected
  • Global Average and Selected groups
  • Number of responses
  • Engagement grouping

Tab 4: Dimension and Index Comparison
  • Shows the percent favorable values of each dimension or index for the selected:
  • Timeframe and organizational unit
  • Norms
  • Comparison groups (if selected)
  • All percentage cells show rounded numbers, however if the user clicks on the cell, the formula bar shows the unrounded number

Tab 5: Item Comparison
  • Shows all items and their aligned dimension and/or index*
  • Shows the percent favorable values of each survey item for the selected:
  • Timeframe and organizational unit
  • Benchmarks
  • Comparison groups (if selected)
  • All percentage cells show rounded numbers, however if the user clicks on the cell, the formula bar shows the unrounded number

Tab 6: Dimension Details
  • Shows the percent favorable or collapsed scale (depending on user selection selection) as well as the percentage for each scale value of each dimension or index for the selected: Timeframe and organizational unit
  • Norms
  • Comparison groups (if selected)
  • All percentage cells show rounded numbers, however if the user clicks on the cell, the formula bar shows the unrounded number

Tab 7: Item Details
  • Shows all items and their aligned dimension and/or index*
  • Shows the percent favorable or collapsed scale (depending on user selection selection) as well as the percentage for each scale value of each item for the selected:
  • Timeframe and organizational unit
  • Benchmarks
  • Comparison groups (if selected)
  • All percentage cells show rounded numbers, however if the user clicks on the cell, The formula bar shows the unrounded number
Detailed Excel Report from Segment

You have the option to select between a Custom Export or and Export All.

Report Options
  1. A. Quick Export will appear if you have made any Breakout selections. It will export data based on your current selections.
    1. Click Export in the Quick Export box
    2. Click Export in the Summary to begin the download
    3. Click the Download Manager button in the download menu to download the file
  2. B. Export All will export all data that you have access to in Segment for the organization and time frame selected.
    1. Click Export in the Export All box
    2. Click the Download Manager button in the download menu to download the file
  3. C. Custom Export is a 4-step process:
    1. Select the report content:
      • Scope: Timeframe (current and trend year)
      • Group: Organizational unit
      • File Name: Custom name for the file defined by the user
    2. Select any filters to be applied:
      • You can select filters across multiple segments if needed
    3. Select the segment(s)/demographic(s) to be compared
      • There is a maximum of 50 values that can be selected
    4. Select the Key Metrics, Dimensions, Items:
      • Engagement Level
      • Engagement Score
      • Dimension or Item Scores
    5. Summary page:
      • You can click on the edit icon (pencil) to make any changes
      • You can also click on the header tree to move back to previous pages
    6. Click the Export button to begin report generation
Report Contents
Tab 1: Information
  • This tab details the information that is included in the export

Tab 2: Key Metric Details
  • Engagement levels and scores for the selected segment/demographics
  • If you choose to show both Engagement Levels and Engagement Scores, then these will appear on two separate tabs in the file

Tab 3: Dimension Question Details
  • Selected dimension and item scores for the selected segment/demographic options
Detailed Excel Report from Listen

Export verbatim comments from the Listen page.

  • The comments export uses a Quick Export, it uses whatever filters you've selected on the page and exports the filtered results.
  • If desired, you can also use the Search feature to download comments using key words.
Report Options
  1. Select the report content:
    • Scope: Timeframe (current and trend year)
    • Group: Organizational unit
    • Dimension (If available)
  2. Select any filters to be applied:
    • Select the Demographic(s) or Hierarchies
  3. Enter any Key Words in the Search field
  4. Click the  Download Menu icon
  5. Click the Export button for XLS
  6. Optional: Enter a revised File Name
  7. Click Continue to start the report generation
  8. Click the Download Manager button to access the report
Report Contents
Tab 1: Information
  • This tab details the information that is included in the export

Tab 2: Comment Rates
  • Provides the Item text (open ended questions that require text response)
  • Even if no responses were provided for an open text question, it will be listed with a 0% Response Rate
  • Total Responses (count of dataset respondents in filtered group)
  • Comments: Count of instances where comments were left for the item on that row.
  • Comment Response Rate: Calculation is: Comments/Total Responses
Tab 3: Details
  • Each item will have its own Details tab that displays all of the comments for that item.
  • Comments will appear in the same order as displayed on the Listen page.
  • Comments are exported in the language they were captured. No translations will be provided.
  • Comments are verbatim.
  • If Employee Suggestions is turned on, only the comments that meet the criteria will be included. Visit the Listen page for more information on this feature.
  • If you filtered for a specific dimension in the Dimension filter, only comments that apply to the filtered criteria will be included. Visit the Listen page for more information on this feature.
PowerPoint (Packaged Export) Report

You can easily download a PowerPoint report of your results by clicking on the export button next to the PPT icon in the download menu.

  • This option is provided on the Dashboard, Learn, Segment and Listen pages.
  • You will be given the opportunity to name your PowerPoint document prior to the start of the download.
  • The PowerPoint file is completely editable and appears in whatever language you have selected to view the site in.

Report Options
  1. Quick Export will export data based on your current selections. You can choose to change any of the selections on the summary page before exporting.
  2. Custom Export is a 4-step process:
    1. Select the report content:
      • Scope: Timeframe (current and trend year)
      • Group: Organizational unit
      • File Name: Custom name for the file defined by the user
    2. Select any filters to be applied:
      • You can select filters across multiple segments if needed
    3. Select the segment(s)/demographic(s) to be compared
      • There is a maximum of 5 segments/demographics that can be added to the report with a maximum of 50 values total that can be selected
    4. Select the Norms, Chart Type, Norm Range Set
      • Summary page
      • You can click on the edit icon (pencil) to make any changes
      • You can also click on the header tree to move back to previous pages
    5. Click the Export button to begin report generation
Report Contents
Title Slide
  • Includes timeframe, focal group, user info

Export Summary
  • Details the content of the export.
    • Timeframe
    • Focal Group
    • Filters, both included and excluded

Static Slides: Engagement Model & RWA3
  • These are non-data slides custom to your organization. These slides are only available in a few of the reporting sites.

  • Shows the current year score and trend from historical and norm
  • Participation rate
  • Norm range

Score Comparison
  • Your export can contain up to 5 segments (demographics) and up to 50 values (as defined by the user)
  • Compared to Trend, Norm and Norm Range (compared to overall norm, not segmented norm)

  • Compared to historical and norm
  • Norm scores are shown as a line graph and distance from norm are shown at the bottom within the table

Dimension Rank
  • Shows engagement and dimensions in descending order
  • Includes trend and norm comparators in a table at the bottom
  • Max. dimensions per slide is 20

Index Rank
  • Same as dimension rank: engagement score is shown first, then indices in descending order

Top 10 Items
  • Item scores shown in descending order
  • Comparison to trend and norms
  • Includes alignment to Dimension

Bottom 10 Items
  • Item scores shown in ascending order
  • Comparison to trend and norms
  • Includes alignment to Dimension

Dimension Priorities
  • Based on RWA3 Item Rank, grouped by Dimension
  • Shows Rank, Dimension, Item, % favorable, distance from norm (default RWA3 norm for the organizational unit)

Item Details
  • Item, trend & norm comparison
  • Segmented by page by dimension/index

Broken out into 4 sections
  • Details
  • Index Details
  • Dimension Details
  • Other Items Details (non-scored dimensions)

Making Selections for Custom Reports

When you select a Custom report, you will be required to make specific selections. Below we provide the details on how to navigate through the option selectors. Each Report has different selection options.

A. Select Content - This section allows you to define the following:

  1. Timeframe
  2. Population
  3. Report Type
    1. Overall is available to everyone. You can choose up to 5 demographics.
    2. Comparison is available if you have access to the Segment page. You can choose up to 1 demographic and pick which charts from the Segment page you would like included.
  4. Name for the report

B. Filters - Allows you to select demographics and hierarchy. This is the same filter that is found at the top of every page and functions the same.

  1. Search: Use the search filter to quickly find a demographic or business group.
  2. By Demographic: Select this to drill down to demographics such as Age, Tenure.
  3. By Hierarchies: Select this to drill down to a specific group or groups for this report.
  4. By Saved Filter Group: If you have saved any filter groups, you can select them from here to quickly apply them.

The following selections will change depending upon if you are on the Learn page or Segment page when clicking the report options and if you are exporting an Excel or PowerPoint report.

Expand the section below to view the desired option for further instructions.

     Learn Custom Reports - Excel Download Options

Downloading Excel from the Learn page will have a unique step specific to the Learn page:  3) Groups, Norms, Scale Types

  1. Select Comparison Groups: Allows you to select different groups to compare against the focal group you selected in step 1) Select Content.
  2. Select Chart View: Determines what type of data will be included in the report.
    • Stacked Bar Graph: Gives results for Positive Perception, Positive Hesitance, Negative Hesitance and Negative Perception.
    • % Favorable Bar Graph: Gives results for the % favorable responses.
  3. Select Norms (Up to 3): One selection is made by default, you can select 2 additional options and change the default if desired.

Selections Summary
  • Review your selections and click Export to begin the download process.
  • Click the Download Manager button at the top right side of the page to open the Download Manager and download the file.

     Segment Custom Reports - Excel Download Options

Download Segments Excel will have two sections unique to the Segments page: 3) Segments and 4) Key Metrics, Dimensions, Items

  1. Select multiple options for breaking out your data using demographics or hierarchy.
    1. Use the normal process for selecting the options in 1) Select Content and 2) Filters
    2. Use the drop down to select an attribute (gender, tenure, age, hierarchy, etc.)
    3. Select a demographic (male, female, group/s, etc.)

This section allows you to select what chart data you want included in the report.

  1. Select the Engagement charts as desired.
  2. Select the Dimensions/Questions charts as desired, this will determine which dimensions and questions will appear in the Dimension Questions Details tab
    • Grab the tiny arrow towards the bottom right side to increase the view area.
    • Use the Select All Dimensions to select all the dimension charts and/or use the Select All to select all dimension and question charts.
    • Use the search feature to find specific dimensions and items.

Selections Summary
  • Review your selections and click Export to begin the download process.
  • Click the Download Manager button on the top right side of the page to open the Download Manager and download the file.

     Custom Reports - PowerPoint Download Options

When downloading PowerPoint using custom options, the menu will have two sections specific to the export: Segments and Ranges, Norms, Charts View

  1. Select multiple options for breaking out your data using demographics or hierarchy.
    1. Use the normal process for selecting the options in 1) Select Content and 2) Filters
    2. Use the drop down to select an attribute (gender, tenure, age, hierarchy, etc.)
    3. Select a demographic (male, female, group/s, etc.)

This section allows you to select what chart data you want included in the report.

  1. Select up to 2 Benchmarks to add, these will appear on the Engagement Score slide.
  2. Select the Chart View, all slides will use this format to display the data.
    • Stacked Bar Graph: Gives results for Positive Perception, Positive Hesitance, Negative Hesitance and Negative Perception.
    • % Favorable Bar Graph: Gives results for the % favorable responses.
  3. Select the Norm Range Set, this will be used as the External Benchmark range on the Engagement Score slide

Selections Summary
  • Review your selections and click Export to begin the download process.
  • Click the Download Manager button at the top right corner of the page to open the Download Manager and download the file.